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McMillion Hotel - Vivian Hotel - Antigo WI Real Haunted Places

  • Superior St.
  • Antigo, WI
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel was originally the Vivian Hotel and closed down in 2003 before being demolished in 2007. The hotel dates back to 1887 and was believed to be haunted by its original owner, who used Room #21 to commit suicide. Reports say there were 18 other deaths that took place at the location between 1970 and 2003, making many believe the owner's ghost was not the only one residing here. Black shadowy figures have been spotted and people have claimed to be pushed by unseen hands.
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  • The location rears at her soul !!

    My friend has the gift/curse of seeing the spirits. She didn’t know why but every time she drives through Antigo she feels her soul being grabbed it was the worst at the inspection with the Sewing store on the left. Finally asked someone from Antigo and they told us the hotel was gone but that was why there were residual spirits. 10x worse now that they demolished the Sewing store apparently where the spirits had sought refuge. We now drive out of our way to avoid the vortex.

    Posted 11/13/24

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  • Knew someone who lived there

    I went to school with a girl whose family owned this place for a while and it was a pretty creepy place. It basically was a hotel for illegal aliens and people who would be homeless.. the hotel was so dated as far as decor and design. My gf told me that she always had strange things happening there. I remember always recall feeling like i was being watched but with no one around. I don't know what had all happened there in its early days but this town was a railroad stop and logging camp men were always renting places. When they came to town. We had a few whore houses and always no shortage of moonshine around. Id like to research it further myself and see just what the past history was.

    Posted 9/17/21

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Visitors to this page: 2,051
Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3224 days ago)

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