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The Historic Karsten Inn - Kewaunee Inn - Real Haunt in Kewaunee WI

  • 122 Ellis St.
  • Kewaunee, WI
  • (920) 388-0800
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn is said to be haunted by mists, orbs, strange things that appear in photos, cold and hot spots, apparitions, phantom smells and sounds including flute-playing, whispering, moving furniture, breaking glass, and a child's running footsteps. On the second floor, a woman has been heard sobbing and Mr. Karsten himself is said to be one of the ghosts who haunt the place, along with another male spirit, and a young boy.
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  • Scare stiff

    My husband and I were celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary 27 years ago and happened to stumble on this hotel by accident as we made our way to Door Co. As we decided last minute to stay overnight, the Karsten hotel at the time had "themed rooms" (the rose room, the colonial room, etc). We stayed only 1 night in the colonial room and did not experience any bumps in the night BUT 10 years later on our 11th year anniversary, we stayed for a weekend. The hotel was under new ownership but the rooms were still themed. We stayed in the Marina room. Nothing happened Friday or Saturday night, but DID Sunday morning. My husband went down to the dining area where you could get a continental breakfast. I was in our room and as I showered, I heard dishes clanking as if someone was walking around in our room carrying stacked dishes. I even called out thinking it was my husband. I got no answer. After showering, I stepped out of the shower and across from the shower was a small toilet room, I saw the door was opened wider than I remembered and a small bowl of seashells that I distinctly remember was on the top of the toilet tank all weekend, was now on a small table in the toilet room, but placed half hazardly on the corner of the table. When I saw this and realized I heard dishes earlier while showering I was frozen stiff with fright, I stood in a bright sunny room on a Sunday morning naked and unable to even grab my towel! I finally mustered enough strength to wipe off, get dressed with drenched hair and ran to get my husband from the dining area. He to this day swears he wasn't in the room and also saw the bowl of seashells and was freaked out. We quickly checked out of the hotel and have not been back since! We have been married now 28 years and I refuse to go back!

    Posted 8/16/24

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  • Visit from Agatha

    I spent a night at the Karsten Inn on Aug. 13th, 2016. It was a hot Summer night so I turned on the air conditioner. I woke at 2:30 in the morning sweating. I checked on the air conditioner and saw that it was turned off. The next morning I also noticed the chair in the room was pointed towards the bed as if someone was watching me sleep.

    Posted 8/8/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • No ghosts

    Stayed there with my niece just to find out for ourselves if it was haunted or not. Not haunted at all.

    Posted 4/16/20

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Contact Phone #: (920) 388-0800

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,938
Clicks to Website: 1
Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3224 days ago)

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